6th of September 2022
The accelerating expansion of offshore energy projects together with the backlog of works due to the corona pandemic has a fundamental impact on the supply vessel demand in the North Sea. As a result, wind farm operators are facing unprecedented challenges in charter rates and vessel availability. In order to handle this market development, SeaRenergy will launch a cargo run service ex Emden as of the beginning of September 2022.
Due to the current development in the offshore supply vessel market with increasing vessel demand in the North Sea and the first generation of Offshore Wind PSV being no longer available, all wind farm operators in the German North Sea are facing great challenges in securing the supply for their assets in the years to come. By providing a cost-efficient and reliable solution in the expected unsteady and challenging supply market environment in the German North Sea, SeaRenergy wants to add value not only to the expansion goals of the German Government but also the budgets of wind farms already being in operation.
After over 10 years of experience in supporting clients in offshore logistics and managing a client’s exclusive supply run service since 2019, SeaRenergy has decided to open their cargo run services to the whole offshore wind supply chain. In order to do so, SeaRenergy and Ship Owner The Asian Spirit Steamship Company (ASSC) have developed an alternative solution which does not rely on the offshore spot markets in Aberdeen, Bergen or Den Helder but is based on having a vessel readily available for clients ex Emden, dedicated to the local market. This dedication is reflected in the name of the vessel: “Spirit of Emden”.

Picture by Marlow Offshore Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Spirit of Emden is a state-of-the-art Ulstein DP2 UT 775 LN with a deck space of 635 m². She can carry 1.032 m³ of fresh water with tanks permanently certified in accordance with German drinking water regulations. She has a fuel oil capacity of 981 m³ and other tank capacities of 3.000 m³. Basic services offered are sewage return, container, and reefer transports. Value added services such as onshore warehousing and storage, container stuffing and rental as well as garbage disposal complete the range of services. Subject to sailing schedule, the vessel may be available for short-term subletting upon request.
“Even though we are delighted to answer the strong international demand for offshore wind expertise which has taken SeaRenergy to a broad range of markets, we still see Germany as our home market. With our new Cargo Run Service Offering we want to emphasize our connection to the domestic market”, Dr. Benjamin Vordemfelde, CEO SeaRenergy says. “With the vessel owner ASSC we have found a strong partner who shares our commitment. By naming the vessel “Spirit of Emden” ASSC and SeaRenergy do not only set a new milestone in the OSV market – with the first offshore vessel being named after a German town – but also emphasize our dedication to the German offshore wind industry!”
Starting the first runs at the beginning of September, “Spirit of Emden” will be available for cargo runs upon request. As of December, cargo runs can be booked on SeaRenergy’ s website for both, single as well as shared runs. The latter will be offered at least on bi-weekly basis. The pricing will include a winter rate for Q1 and Q4, and a summer rate for Q2 and Q3 respectively. The rates for framework partners may vary depending on the purchase quantity.
Niko Tönjes, Product Lead Marine Services of SeaRenergy says: “Benefits for our clients are at hand. No mob and demob fees from or to the base port in Emden, an all-year-round ship availability on short notice and the possibility of fixed rates, which enables reliable project budgeting. Ordering our service reduces our clients’ obligations significantly compared to being a charterer.”
“We are delighted that our industry is becoming mature and that we have excellent, experienced and committed people to give a mature and solid response to the market on its way to expand” – Natalia Kress, General Manager SeaRenergy underlines. “With our designated Product Leads we will not only be able to keep our promise to serve the offshore wind industry with integrated solutions but at the same time we will be able to respond with focused solutions within our four business segments. “
“Almost two decades of stop-and-go in the renewable energy policy have come to an end. The offshore wind industry has finally received the let-go order.” Dr. Benjamin Vordemfelde, CEO of SeaRenergy said. “Despite all political draw-backs, SeaRenergy has always been committed to the idea of Offshore Wind as the ultimate source of energy for the future. We have managed to preserve experience from almost all offshore wind projects in Europe. The derived expertise is reflected in our Product Leads who will be the central point of contact for our clients to benefit from that.”
Corporate Contact:
SeaRenergy Offshore Holding GmbH & Cie. KG
Niko Tönjes
Product Lead Marine Services
Mail: cargo_run_service@searenergy.com
About ASSC:
Shipping out of tradition and with passion: The Asian Spirit Steamship Company (ASSC) is adding another chapter to the Rickmers family’s long history in the maritime industry with over 185 years. ASSC is focusing but not limited on cutting-edge tonnage in container feeder ships. In doing so the company offers attractive investment opportunities and customer-driven asset management. We continuously analyze the market situation and develop further projects whenever opportunities arise.
Corporate Contact:
The Asian Spirit Steamship Company GmbH & Cie. KG
Clasen Rickmers
Managing Partner
Mail: info@assc-ship.com
Web: www.assc-ship.com